With a relentless passion to “Connect People Back to God”, Bishop Douglas has spent over 33 years teaching the whole counsel of God’s Word with wisdom, integrity, and without compromise. Anointed with a servant’s heart he endeavors to be a conduit and an example of love, righteousness, and steadfastness to individuals and families from all walks of life.
Bishop Douglas is the founder and Senior Pastor of Open Door Worship Center Inc. (The Door), located in California. Bishop Douglas holds a B.A, and M.A. in biblical studies. Doctorate in Ministry and an honorary Doctorate of Divinity.
Prophetess Fannette Douglas is a prophetic powerhouse with over 33 years of service in ministry. She is blissfully married to Bishop Deon Douglas and together they pastor Open Door Worship Center, Inc. in California where they are relentless in their mission of “Connecting People Back to Jesus Christ!“.
Resolved in her calling as a prophetic voice to this generation, Douglas is anointed with an acute spiritual awareness. In 1994, decades before the #MeToo movement manifested, she launched The Daughters of Faith Ministry. Through monthly meetings and annual conferences women are provided with an amalgamation of tools and resources to help heal, equip and empower them to fulfill God’s plan for their lives.
Fueled by a love for God’s people, Douglas released her first book, “When Love Covers” in 2016. In hopes of reaching those who have been severely wounded by loved ones and close friends, Prophetess Douglas candidly shares her own struggles with the stifling effects of un-forgiveness while revealing the power of God’s key to healing and restoration, FORGIVENESS!
Prophetess Douglas, as she is affectionately known, has a clear understanding of her prophetic calling. She humbly holds a B.A., M.A in Biblical Studies and an honorary “Doctorate of Divinity”. Prophetess Douglas understands that without JESUS CHRIST she can do nothing.
With a mandate from the Lord, she progressively continues to build the Kingdom of God by preaching the uncompromising Word of God to a lost a dying world. It is her heart’s desire to see the will of the Father manifested in each individual that crosses her path.
“Connecting People Back to JESUS CHRIST”